When the technomatter started to change her lungs, Kim breathed heavily as she began to lose the ability to breathe. She could hear the beats of her heart, and her diminishing respiration, until she inhalated for the last time. The hoses reached the beating cardial muscle and conected to the arteries, turning them into hoses too. The heart stopped for a second while turning into a powerful electric pump, and then it activated again, moving the coolant fluid through her body.

After changing the last remaining organ of the lower abdomen, the metal extended to her thighs and legs. Many sensations flooded her mind: cold, heat, tickles pinches, but no pain at all, coming both from the still organic parts of her body, and surprisingly, from the robotic structures
Kim's arms changed even further, her already metallic skin hardening and becoming armor plates. These plates adjusted themselves to her arm with bolts.
The technomatter extended even further, reaching her bones, still unnaffected. The transformation of the bones was slower, but ruthless anyway. Soon her rib cage, both femurs, spine and pelvic bone hardened and became the first components of her new titanium endoskeleton. The joints changed too, the collagen being transformed into a high density and elastic polymer. Kim could hear her bones reshape, but she was more concentrated in what was happening to her face.

Her blood was being replaced with coolant fluid, and the red blood cells were transformed into nanobots. These nanobots helped in the robotization task, and in the future, they will repair any part of Kim's body.
By this time, all her brain stem was transformed and Kim gasped as she felt the technomatter entering her very brain. Neuron by nueron, her brain was being changed, becoming a quadratonic computer. The electric impulses of the forming computer were perfectly synchronizated with the electric impulses of the changing brain, but it was too much for Kim. She fainted, and fell to the ground, her body still undergoing robotization.

Kim's face was still the same: round, smooth, beautiful, but instead of having a pink-skin color, it was now of a silver gray tone.

1 comentario:
(scratches his head) I think I miss the point... well Kim undergo a full robotization and became a extremely advanced android which means that she is stronger, more resilent and probably way faster than any human, which means that (unless Drakken put some mind control stuff in it) Kim is WAY more powerful than any creature on Earth, Shego included. So where is the point ?? Drakken and Shego are screwed even more now XD That's Mad and Stupid Genius for Dr Drakken.
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